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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 11  FOX  October 30, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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us tonight at 10:00. here's brian now with the news edge at 11:00. super storm sandy spreads misery up and down the east coast as new york residents try to pump out the flames, put them out and pump out the water. some of the heaviest damage is in new jersey where huge portions of the jersey shore boardwalk are gone replaced by water, sand and debris. here at home flooding the main concern, high tide. [ audio difficulties ] >> reporter: the air familiar with flooding tonight was no exception. about a block -- the area familiar with flooding tonight was no exception. about a block behind me is where the potomac spilled over the edge. [ audio difficulty ]
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[ audio difficulty ]
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>> stopping by since it happened to take pictures. >> he got up at 3:30 and
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started doing dessert. i said maybe we should start doing dinner early. that way if the power goes out at 6:00, we could eat by candlelight. 4:00 the tree comes through my house. >> it was a tree we went expect to fall on your house. we were thinking we had some trees in the back because they were older and more brig that they would be the first to fall. -- brittle that they would be the first to few. >> reporter: the neighbors and local church have stepped up and offered to assist the family any way they can. the people who lived next-door rushed right over to apologize. it's not clear whose insurance will pay for all that damage. both neighbors are renters. the camerons moved to town a year ago from rhode island. the news edge on maryland and recovery from hurricane sandy underway in ocean city tonight. the storm caused a lot of damage, town's fishing pier half gone, streets flooded, waters from the bay overwhelmed parts of the town. residents have never seen a storm like sandy before.
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>> that's the highest i've ever seen it. i've ridden out a couple of storms before but nothing like this before. it was a little hairy. winds were blowing real hard. >> the national guard evacuated about 50 people during the height of the storm. most failed to leave where mandatory evacuations were ordered. still there were no deaths or injuries in the town. sandy still causing problems for millions of people across the northeast. let's get latest on her path with sue palka. >> sandy is still whirling through western pennsylvania producing rain and snow, but thankfully not a lot of gusty winds as it's weak understand quite a bit, but even -- weakened quite a bit, but even so it will be a while before we can kick it out of here. let's talk about what's going to be going on on the rivers for the next couple days and in particular, tomorrow and thursday. we did get a lot of rain as sandy was moving again north of our area and that is going to
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feed freshwater into the potomac basin. so moderate flooding is expected at times of high tide. what does that mean in terms of the moderate flooding? probably 3 to 4 feet above normal. where we just saw down at alexandria and the water was beginning to recede, the next high tide at alexandria is at 10:06 in the morning and the washington channel at 9:48. we'll have to watch the tidal potomac and all these streams and creeks, rappahannock, monacacy, all of them running high the next couple days. we have coastal flood warnings for the western shore of the bay and coastal advisories for the eastern side of the bay and oh, yes, it's chilly. you're probably thinking about turning on that furnace. i did. temperatures are expected to fall into the upper 30s tonight, so a chilly start for halloween, but we remain focused on the devastation that occurred with sandy especially for the jersey coast up into new york city with a record, an
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unprecedented surge. gary mcgrady is standing by to tell us more about what that did to new york and new jersey. >> thanks, sue. no doubt an unprecedented storm. you realize this storm was so big and we talked about that that at 1 point or another it's probably going to affect at least most of the eastern united states and today new jersey governor chris christie called it devastating beyond anything he ever thought he'd say. we can all agree on this. there's a whole lot of work to do in the days ahead. >> reporter: point pleasant beach one of many seaside communities up and down the new jersey shore that saw extensive damages from hurricane sandy as it blasted ashore. hurricane avenue is now covered in sand and debris. this is just one of many communities now dealing with the aftermath of this powerful storm. >> the level of devastation at the jersey shore is unthinkable. >> reporter: new jersey governor chris christie is stunned by the extent of
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devastation in his state. the familiar atlantic city boardwalk is in shambles, entire neighborhoods washed over as search and rescue crews scoop up stranded residents by the boat load and crews working around the clock to clear out debris fields that are 7 feet high in some places. >> i anticipated last night given the nature of the winds and the rain we'd be pretty bad. i didn't expect it to be that bad. i didn't expect we would see homes off their foundations and in the middle of state highways. >> reporter: in new york wall street is shut down and the subway system remained under water today leafing the metropolis eerily quiet after a chaotic night. some of the city's worst damage was not from the water but fire as flames engulfed at least 80 homes in queens. >> i scaled up on the pile in the morning. there were 25 people inside on the roof of building. >> reporter: and the fire was spreading.
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>> the fire was in the two- story building next-door and the fire was coming across the top of the roof. >> reporter: by daybreak the breezy point neighborhood looked obliterated. up and down the eastern seaboard property damage is widespread. millions of homes that were spared are now dealing with power outages. the storm although weaker is still on the move. it continues knocking down power lines almost as fast as crews can get them up. >> brian, a lot of wind in this storm, but always think more about the wind sometimes than the effect of the water. most of the steph dating pictures along the shore and up into new york city all because of storm surge all because of the water. >> thanks. a group of kayakers took full advantage of the extreme high tide in maryland today. sky fox spotted them on seneca creek near darnestown. the creek is usually calm, but today was swollen and the waters rough. there were record levels of flooding to part of montgomery
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county. sandy could impact the election one week before the polls openwhat you need to know if you're voting in maryland or d.c. next. >> this is news edge at 11:00.  [ minto ] you know, those ads saying mitt romney
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would ban all abortions and contraception seemed a bit extreme. so i looked into it. turns out, romney doesn't oppose contraception at all. in fact, he thinks abortion should be an option in cases of rape, incest, or to save a mother's life. this issue's important to me, but i'm more concerned about the debt our children will be left with. i voted for president obama last time, but we just can't afford four more years. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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a week to go until election day, president obama staying off the campaign trail to deal with the aftermath of hurricane sandy. the president will be in new jersey tomorrow to tour damaged areas. earlier today he stopped by red cross headquarters in northwest d.c. the president said the federal government will respond quickly to state and local needs. >> there's no excuse for inaction at this point. i want every agency to lean forward and make sure we are getting the resources where they're needed as quickly as possible. >> the president praised the efforts of the first responders. the president is expected to resume campaigning later in the week. republican presidential nominee mitt romney also did not campaign today, but he did spend time in the battleground state of ohio. he made several stops in the state collecting relief supplies for hurricane victims. >> it's part of the american spirit, the american way, to give to people who are in need. we have a lot of goods here and
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i know there's more coming in and we're going to box these things up. >> romney returns to the campaign trail tomorrow. he'll make somes in florida and the campaign still continuing to air campaign ads and romney is picking up new endorsements. today former chrysler ceo lee iacocca endorsed romney for president. shawn yancy has tonight's fox 5 top five. >> we begin with the challenges of dying nosing autism. no.-- diagnosing autism. diagnosing babies is very similar to diagnosing those without the disorder. no. 4, researchers say eating two to four servings of oily fish a week lowers stroke risk by 6%, but they stress fish oil supplements do not have the same effect.
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no. 3, there is an upside to hurricane sandy. gas prices are down. the national average for a gallon of regular fell a penny today to $3.53, more than 11 cents lower than a week ago. the average price right now for a gallon in d.c. is 3.71, 3.56 in maryland and 3.39 in virginia. no. work flights are resuming at d.c. area airports following hurricane sandy. it is likely that most airlines will resume operations wednesday. passengers are encouraged to check their flight status before leaving for the airport. no. 1, early voting will resume in most counties across the region in tomorrow. in montgomery county, maryland early voting centers were open at 8 a.m. and voting hours will be extended from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. through november 2nd, same thing in the district. early voting begins tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and that continues through saturday. brian, that's a look at tonight's fox 5 top five.
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looking forward to seeing the sun tomorrow. >> it will be nice. i don't think it will be a fully sunny day. still chilly tomorrow, too, today only in the 40s, what a departure from the weather we had last week. we're still dealing with the cold air sandy brought into town, the cold side of that storm and it's chilly out there tonight. we will be heading down into the 30s. so it's a chilly start for the kids for halloween, but at least they'll be back at school. didn't october go fast? what a finale with our super storm sandy crashing into the jersey coast last night. let's go ahead and talk about the fact that we're still seeing some of the leftover showers. it's pretty much over here, but we had the off and on showers earlier today, a little snow mixing in in the higher elevations to our west. of course, some really big jackpot totals out here in the west virginia high spots above 2 and 3,000 feet. we're going to get 2 to 3 feet and blizzard warnings continue out there until early tomorrow morning. sandy is up through
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pennsylvania, what's left of the circulation, still spinning through pennsylvania. we'll continue to see that probably during the day tomorrow. it's going to be a little while before we see it moving out. i don't know why, but my weather map does not want to move. we're hoping it will get going here. let's see if this does it. it's not moving forward and now it goes. see, everybody has sandy brain tonight. we've been working hard and this is the system we've been keeping an eye on here as it continues to pull in that colder air. it means our temperatures will stay chilly for several days. we certainly saw huge wind gusts yesterday obviously worse at the coast and up to new york city and beyond. we're catching a couple gusts still to 18 miles an hour, up toward detroit still a gust to 26. we didn't really talk about the fact that the great lakes also got really big winds and cold air out of this thing and some 20-foot waves on some of the lakes up there. meanwhile temperature tonight is down to 39 degrees at gaithersburg, 36 in playingers
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town, definitely feels like november is -- hagerstown, definitely feels like november is ready to roll into town. 32 for beckley. they'll hang onto that very heavy wet snow a little longer. tonight we expect clouds and maybe a spotty light rain shower, but most of us are done with that. that chilly temperature, that will be noticeable in the morning. tomorrow's temperature about 54 degrees for halloween. so a little cooler than average, but better than today was and i don't think you'll have to make an umbrella part of the costume for the kids or elementary school parade. we might get a spotty morning shower, but i think that would be it. by the noon hour 51 degrees and a mix of clouds and sun but probably heavier on the clouds than the sun. pretty much the same deal for 5:00, 53 degrees. the kids will probably be coming around the neighborhood after 6:00. we expect temperatures to be in the upper 40s. here's where we're thinking temperatures top out tomorrow, mostly 50s. there could still be some upper 40s to our north and west.
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so kind of a cool day and the jet stream will continue to bring in that cooler air. this is where sandy is residing now. it will be a few more days before we see that lifting off. notice we still pick up snow in the ridge tops even through thursday morning and a little shower activity up through western pennsylvania. we'll have the clouds, but look, the sun is trying to come back as we get into the within and the jet stream will lift on out eventually and bring us a little warmer weekend or at least a sunnier weekend. here's your fox 5 accuweather seven-day forecast. don't forget time changes this weekend. we go back to standard time. we set the clock back and gain an hour of sleep saturday into sunday. for the weekend a lot of sunshine, temperatures climbing to the mid-and upper 50s, a couple showers around monday. i think that will be it in terms of our next rain chances. election day looking good in d.c. with sunshine and a temperature of 59 degrees. let's send it over to scott smith because i know a lot of people are anxious to talk more about sports and get off the topic of weather. >> this is the verizon sports
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desk with scott smith. >> the second worst record in the league last year, so improvement in randy wittman's first full year as head coach of the wizards is a safe bet. however, a handful of injuries doesn't help. john wall, nene and kevin seraphin out for the opener. first rounder draft pick bradley beal showing the cleveland crowd his range, second of back to back three's finished with eight point this evening. last year's rookie of the year kyrie irving led all scorers tonight with 29 points, two of them there. cavs take a 16-point lead. beal gets his pocket picked by the guy that dropped it right after him. raiders had 17. 60 it un-45 cleveland in the 3rd quarter but the wizards go on a -- 61-45 cleveland in the 3rd quarter, but the wizards go on a run.
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jamal crawford headed team with 11th points, but the cavs end on the game on a 14-4 run. wizards shot 35%rom the field as a team and dropped the opener 94-84 the final. ray allen and his new team, the defending champion heat facing his old team the celtics. 1st half shot clock winding down, allen spots up from three and banks it home. he had 19 points against his former club. late 1st half former hoya jeff green rejected by chris bosh. lebron james brings it up and throws it down. the king with 26 points and 10 boards, heat over the celtics 120-107. the wizards home opener is 7 p.m. saturday against those boston celtics. coming up d'angelo hall and the skins await possible disciplinary action from the league after his ejection sunday, what he had to say about it next.
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it won't be as bad as pittsburgh's bumblebee unis last week, but they're wearing the 1937 jerseys for sunday's annual homecoming game. '37 was the team's first year in d.c. to the present day issues, the nfl is still reviewing d'angelo hall's actions in sunday's loss to the steelers which led to an ejection after a tussle with emmanuel sanders of the steelers. hall explained his actions today in a radio interview. >> nobody is going out there trying to bully the referees
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and likewise they shunt be out there trying to bully us -- shouldn't be out there trying to bully us. from that particular camera angle you can't see what that ref is saying to me. there's nothing i can do to take that particular play back and all we can do from my point of view and from the referee's point of view and the nfl is try to figure out a solution so that that problem doesn't happen again. >> robert griffin, iii finished with 18 incomplete passes in sunday's loss to the steelers, a majority of which were not his fault. the skins dropped an nfl season high 10 passes. griffin said his receivers were apologetic but know they have to start making those plays. >> the comment is, you know, my bad, my fault. that won't happen again. i'll make sure they play hard for me every play. it's something that it's a special relationship a quarterback has with his receivers. they know. when i know i mess up, they know and they know when they mess up. we just all have to make sure that we don't continually mess up throughout the whole game.
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>> i don't care where the placement is. as long as it hits your hands, you better catch it or you won't be in the national football league for very long. >> that's sports. brian is back to wrap up the edge after this. where others fail, droid powers through. introducing the new droid razr maxx hd by motorola. now more than ever droid does.
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sandy so effecting some wild animals in virginia. some residents in pentagon city found a beaver at their doorstep this morning. animal control has dealt with at least three roaming beavers today. the rain and floodwaters may
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have broken one of their dams. now you have the news edge. news is always on >> fox 5 news isn't over. go to now for news, weather and entertainment updates. fox 5 news is washington's best news on air and online at brought to you by verizon 4g lte. about fighting for what's right and just. maryland's gay and lesbian families share the same values and they should share in the right to marry. i believe people of faith understand this isn't about any one religious belief. to make a lifelong commitment to the person you love. join me in supporting question 6. it's the right thing to do.


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